

All submissions to AJIC are screened for plagiarism via the online Turnitin detection service. AJIC rejects all submissions found to contain clear evidence of plagiarism and does not consider future submissions from the author(s) in question.

Protection of Personal Information

Submissions to AJIC that draw on research with human subjects are received with the understanding that research subjects' personal information was managed in accordance with laws and regulations on the protection of personal information, e.g., research conducted in South Africa must comply with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA).


AJIC does not allow author credits to be provided to individuals who have not contributed substantively to a submission.

Licensing, Copyrights, Publishing Rights

All AJIC articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. Contributors whose submissions are published in AJIC are thus required to grant AJIC's publisher— the LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa — a non-exclusive licence to publish their contributions in AJIC under a CC BY 4.0.

Contributors retain the copyrights and publishing rights in their contributions without restriction. 

Open Access

AJIC's open access approach corresponds to the objectives of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) Statement on Open Access to Research Publications.

Author Fees

AJIC does not impose article processing charges (APCs) or article submission charges on its authors.


All AJIC abstracts and articles are published in English.

Digital Preservation

This journal utilises the Portico and the PKP Preservation Network (PN) systems to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. Click here to view AJIC in the Portico Keeper's Registry.

Selection and Refereeing of Submissions

Research Article and Review Article submissions that are found, via internal review by the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor (with assistance where necessary from additional internal reviewers, including members of the Editorial Advisory Board), to be potentially suitable for publication, are sent out for review, on a double-blind basis, to at least two reviewers. The reviewers are subject-matter experts selected by the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor with guidance where necessary from the Editorial Advisory Board. Based on the peer reviewers’ recommendations and inputs, and revisions made by the author(s) in response to the peer reviews, the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor make the final determination as to whether the submission is to be published. Their determination is contingent upon, inter alia, support for publication from at least one of the double-blind peer reviews; and satisfactory effort by the author(s) to make revisions based on inputs received from the double-blind peer review process.

Publication Review, Critical Intervention, Correspondence, News and Obituary submissions that are found, by the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor, to be potentially suitable for publication, are peer-reviewed on an internal, non-blind basis by at least one internal reviewer, with the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor among the potential internal reviewers. Based on the internal review recommendations and inputs, and revisions made by the author(s) in response, the Corresponding Editor and Publishing Editor make the final determination as to whether the submission is to be published. Their determination is contingent upon, inter alia, support for publication from at least one internal reviewer; and satisfactory effort by the author(s) to make revisions based on inputs received from the internal review process.

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