Energy flow estimation-control of two interconnected microgrids




Being dependent on weather, photovoltaic and wind system energy contributions fluctuate and are not continuously available, and sometimes not in the desired quantity. To avoid load shedding or blackout in this situation, the estimation-control of energy can be useful to ensure continuity of supply and assist the planning operation of the power system. This paper proposes the estimation-control of the flow of energy between two microgrids interconnected via two alternating current tie-lines. Two sources of power generation depending on weather behaviours have been considered. The effectiveness of the proposed estimation-control model was shown using the Extended Kalman filter combined with the fmincon algorithm.


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Author Biography

Ramesh C. Bansal

Prof. Ramesh Bansal,

FIET (UK), FIE (India), FIEAust, SM IEEE (USA), CPEngg (UK)

Professor & Group Head (Power)

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,

Room 14-27, Eng. Building 1, University of Pretoria, Hatfield Campus, Pretoria 0002, South Africa


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Efficient microgrid power control model




How to Cite

Tungadio, D. H., Bansal, R. C., & Siti, M. W. (2018). Energy flow estimation-control of two interconnected microgrids. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 29(4), 69–80.