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Shaping professional identity: a descriptive qu...

By: Amshuda Sonday

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Title: Shaping professional identity: a descriptive qualitative study on Health and Rehabilitation final year students in higher education. Abstract 175
Professional identity is defined as what it means to be and act as a professional, as this represents the person’s philosophy of
their profession (Mackey, 2007). This paper will describe the factors that shaped the professional identity of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Communication Sciences Disorders students’ during their four years (2015 – 2018) of studies in the Faculty of Health Sciences in a higher education institution. A descriptive qualitative design was used to describe the factors that emerged. Seven participants were purposively selected from the Faculty of Health Sciences Campus. Individual interviews and a focus group with participants was conducted. Data was analysed inductively. This paper will foreground the following theme: “The curriculum and experiences within practice and professional environments; shapes professional identity the most.” The findings highlight how critical events in higher education may have influenced the participants developing professional identity as health and rehabilitation students. The curriculum played an integral role in defining how the narrative for each participant was played out and how professional and practice environments greatly shaped the students developing self. Keywords: professional identity, practice environments, curriculum,health and rehabilitation sciences Introduction This paper will describe the factors that shaped the professional identity of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Communication Sciences Disorders students’ during their four years (2015 – 2018) of study in the Faculty of Health Sciences in a higher education institution in the Western Cape. The paper will provide the context in which the study was conducted and offers a brief review of the literature in relation to curriculum content, professional & practice environments and the role of professional identity in the developing self. The methodology is briefly described, naming the data collection and data analysis methods. The findings will be presented in a form of a theme that will further be discussed in relation to taking a critical lens to understanding professional identity development in students within higher education environments. Background Professional identity is defined as the lens to which professionals define who they are in the way they choose act and represent themselves as defined by the philosophy of a particular profession1. This identity is developed and shaped by the experiences of students as they negotiate their roles and positioning within the higher education environments. Although being a student at a University is considered to be a prestigious opportunity, there were many factors that impacted or influenced how health sciences students negotiated their professional identity within a health sciences faculty. The roles universities play in developing countries like South Africa, are those of growth and development2 . Universities are seen as ideological mechanisms in taking on these roles; where government fails to do so2 . Amongst other uncertainties, higher education in South Africa was experiencing a fees crisis where the lack of government subsidies to universities placed pressure on students and their families with the annual increases in student tuition fees3. This crisis culminated in 2015 in the #feesmustfall movement, which saw students in higher education from all over South Africa rise up in protest against the fee increases. The current higher education crisis, as well as other political and economic challenges in South Africa during 2015 and 2018, have contributed to universities and the health professions looming in a continuous state of change and uncertainty. This continuous state of change may influence the positionality of health professionals’ within the practice contexts they find themselves in. In considering the continuously changing South African higher education context, health professionals such as Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech language pathologists and Audiology graduates are having to reflect on who they are, and how they choose to respond to changing practice contexts. There has been little research around how health and rehabilitation (H&R) students establish their professional identities within a four year degree programme in higher education.
It was important to understand how the development of professional identity
occurs, and what areas are crucial to enhance their own identity development. Identity development is critical in defining and shaping who the graduating health professional chooses to become. The research question How is the professional identity of final year H&R students being shaped over the course of four years of study? was pertinent
as it contributed to unearthing the professional identity development of H&R students.
Literature Review Professional identity is described as an internal
identity that reflects choices of beliefs, characteristics and commitments of the self
and is further developed or conditioned by experiences in practice4. The professional identity will continue to develop throughout the professional lifespan4. Personal awareness can be identified
as a key to professional identity formation,
where the
conscious and unconscious beliefs, attitudes, emotions, psychological 2 and cultural background influence the care
the health professionals would provide for their clients. The awareness of these factors enables the health professional to better serve their patients and themselves4. Occupational therapists have many potential individual and collective professional identities that vary according to their understanding of their identity within different historical and social environments; different situations within these environments; and, their stakes within different events1. Accordingly, the professional identities of occupational therapists should reflect their changing practice context. Occupational therapy needs to articulate its own knowledge base and that a flourishing occupational therapists professional identity will depend on high levels of autonomy and clinical discretion enabling them to draw on their own skills and knowledge within given situations1. It is argued that occupational therapists should utilise the changing professional order that is characterised by the diversity of practice in order to negotiate a new individual professional identity1. Historically, the professional identities of occupational therapists were less strongly defined than those of other professionals and based on narrow, fixed beliefs such as holism and client-centeredness1.
This has been attributed to a lack of understanding of the purpose and nature of the role
of occupational therapists within multidisciplinary teams. This thinking is being challenged as there are calls to redesign occupational therapy work roles in a manner which allows skills to be used more flexibly and which allows an opportunity for innovation and creativity within broader, inter-clinical practices1. In a study on the development of professional identities within the nursing community5, it is found that professional identities continually develop. Professional identities start to develop before entering tertiary education and then evolve during studying, clinical experiences and subsequent careers. However, the study highlighted the importance of education and its effects on professional identity;
as it is during this time period that professionals gain the professional knowledge and skills
which distinguish them from other occupations. Occupational identity was found in the literature that the individual is at the core of their own identity formation and that society may influence an individual’s identity6. Socially constructed identities result from the dialect between the individual and society7 and therefore further emphasising the importance of the consideration of the developing self within context. Sonday explains
that there is an explicit link between one’s occupational identity and
the developing professional identity. She described how occupational identity formed the basis to how occupational therapists negotiated environments that impacted on their developing professional identity8. Curriculum and professional identity Brandt discussed his experience of professional identity formation that was achieved through interprofessional learning and encountering patients during the early years of study9. The curriculum and the way in which it is run enhances the development of a student’s professional identity, through problem-based learning, early clinical exposure, and integrated interprofessional education9. Brandt learned significantly
through the opportunity to work with other healthcare professionals as it allowed the understanding of different perspectives
as each healthcare professionals approached the given cases from different angles. Through the use of the experiential learning in clinics with multidisciplinary teams, a medical student, felt better prepared to be a health professional9. Therefore, experiential learning in the early years of study allows a smoother transition from theoretical studies to a working professional, where one is better equipped to perform due to the experience gained during their studies, as this aided in further professional identity development. The main factors in the curriculum that were
helpful in developing the professional identity formation of medical students
were, the multidisciplinary healthcare settings, and the patient contact throughout the years of study, as more skills was learned with regards to communication and being client- centred or more empathetic. Many differences emerged in the process of professional identity development in graduating Physiotherapy students10. There were three
categories of professional identity as a Physiotherapist which were the empowerer, the educator and the treater.
The empowerer is interprofessional, the educator is a rehabilitation professional and the treater is uni- professional. Studies exist that discuss how the socialisation processes amongst students
influence the development of professional identity and how the students view themselves at the
end of their studies as health care professionals. Educators
are paying attention to educational outcomes of professional training curricula which are intended to ensure that graduating students are fit to practise.
However, this does not necessarily improve or facilitate the development of professional identity10.
The strength of professional identification, however, varies by profession. The
significant contributors
of baseline professional identity were: gender; profession; previous work experience in environments; understanding of team working; knowledge of profession; and cognitive
flexibility11. The study suggests that
students who demonstrate a particular affinity or identification with the profession are likely to be accepted to the course rather than those with lower levels of identification.
The strongest professional identities were found in Physiotherapy students, while social work students had the weakest professional identities of the professional groups.
The literature review offered an opportunity
to explore the construct of professional identity as it relates to students
studying health professions such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy and the curriculum. Studies have shown that context plays an integral role in influencing identity development and that interdisciplinary practice is one example of how curricular could encourage the development of professional identity across varying professions. Methodology A descriptive qualitative design12 was used as it appropriately addressed the research question in describing how professional identity is developed and shaped by the contextual factors and higher education environments students find themselves in. The study was conducted at a Health Sciences Faculty at a higher education institution in the Western Cape. The participants were final year H&R students, including students studying Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Audiology and Physiotherapy degrees. To allow full anonymity and confidentiality, each participant was asked to choose a fictional name, this granted the participants full anonymity whilst providing a personal voice.
Purposive sampling was used to identify seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Participants
had to be final year
occupational therapy, physiotherapy, audiology and speech therapy students in
2018. Students who have studied at least one year in another degree other than their current degree would be excluded from the study. An invitation to participate in the research was sent to class representatives and
was sent to final year students across the disciplines via an email
that included the information sheet and the informed consent form. The information sheet to recruit potential participants were also presented during a lecture slot to further attract participants. Maximum variation aimed to provide representativeness by including a wide range of participants. Insert Table I: Selection criteria for participants The participants included two of each race specified above, four of each gender, two of each discipline (apart from Speech Language and Pathology where there was only one participant). The participants’ disciplines were left out of Table I to further ensure anonymity, as the class sizes are small and this would make it easy to identify individual participants. Ethics approval (HREC 034/2018) was granted from
Human Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Cape Town (UCT)and the Director of
Student Affairs at UCT first before data was collected. Individual interviews with each participant was conducted taking 5 an interview guide approach. They were 40 minutes long and were held at a place that was convenient for the participants, and that was on campus. A focus group session on the themes that emerged from the interviews was conducted to probe further to develop emerging themes. The focus group session contained six participants as one participant was not available.. The participants included two OT students, one Speech Therapy student, two Audiology students, two Physiotherapy students. This assisted in consolidating the data that emerged from the interviews, and served as a form of member checking. An inductive approach was taken in order to analyse the information received from both the interviews and the
focus group. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were then analysed through taking a thematic analysis
approach. The themes were used to inform the questions for the
focus group. The focus group was audio recorded and transcribed verbatim, the
data was then grouped into the final theme. Rigor was ensured through the following strategies dependability, credibility and transferability. The research
was approved by the Faculty of Health Science Human Research Ethics committee
and complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. Findings The following theme emerged “The curriculum and experiences within practice and professional environments; shapes professional identity the most.” Insert Table II: Theme and Sub-themes This theme focuses on the way in which undergraduate programmes’ curriculum are structured; and the opportunities afforded to students that contribute to the development of their professional identities. Spaces for Reflection This subtheme directly focused on what each programme had to offer as a space to reflect on the learning and experiences that occurs during practice learning, as well as the personal experience each student encounters within each site. Tutorials are one learning strategy used over several platforms across the H&R programmes where this type of sharing of experiences happens. Three out of the four programmes offer these type of tutorial spaces. Only one programme in H&R has a time scheduled for reflective space within their course curriculum. “I think because you guys are studying occupational therapy you have something specifically dedicated to identity whereas we don’t.” - Cami Becoming a Rehabilitation Professional and Clinical Physiotherapy are two courses that have influenced the professional identity of one of the Physiotherapy participants as these courses 6 taught them how to act and think as a professional in a practical and theoretical sense. However, it was not a space that encourages reflection on clinical experiences and personal identity and positioning. “...overall I feel like both clinicals and this course allow me to at least encompass both of those that add towards my professionalism.” - Tsholofelo Patrick shared an example of a reflection he was able to share during a reflective space that positively helped him make sense of the experience. This incident occurred during practice learning with a clinician. “I had to interact with someone who every time they saw me they saw a representation of what was wrong with their life. So, problems they were facing like they got burgled into and it was by criminal who were supposedly black, there were protests at UCT and it meant that her daughter was going stay longer in the year and she was going to get paid more. But every time she saw me she thought, “These people”. So, I was the reminder, she projected her problems onto me and then I was the horrible one. So yeah. I called her racist at the end, and she cried and I was like it’s fine, you just have to admit that you’re racist.” - Patrick This subtheme explored the different spaces for reflection that exists in H&R programmes. The OT division has a designated space for this type reflection which supported some participants experiences of difference and how these experiences influenced their developing professional identity as a growing student. Other participants expressed that their divisions should also have a space available similar to that of the OT division. Practical Experience Over Theoretical Knowledge This subtheme speaks to the experience that students acquire at practice learning as it relates to the theory that has been taught. And the impact this experience has on their roles as emergent health professionals. Positive feedback from clients also helped to reassure the participants that their roles are important and that they are making a difference to the clients’ lives. H&R students have had reported good interactions with their clients. “watching people be grateful when we give them hearing aids” - Annie Participants believed that teaching theory on its own is not enough to equip them with the necessary skills they require to thrive in a clinical setting. They have raised concerns about the role of theory in other professions towards developing their professional identity. Participants also indicated that the tutorials they have had during practice learning with their supervisors have been helpful in guiding their interventions. “You can give a student an idea [of their role] but they’re not going to know until they’re there” - Alice “we do have a lot of tutorials in block where we can just come and talk about your experiences at clinics and impact.” - Cami This subtheme explored how positive client interactions shape professional identity, as well as how the combination of theory and practice that is experienced during practice learning can help students to discover their role, and these interactions have either a significant positive or negative impact on the participants’ professional identity. Lack of Curricular Spaces That Allow for Intersections of Professions Interactions amongst one's peers also may shape the professional identity of a student through one’s time at university. The amount of social interactions amongst one's peers varies between courses due to schedules, physical settings and practice learning placements. The participants felt that their professional identity was impacted due to the lack of interactions among various health professionals. The different professions have often been grouped together for certain courses as well as in different venue buildings, which leaves socialisation between the other divisions to a minimum throughout the four years. The department are divided into Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) (Audiology and Speech Language & Pathology), OT & Physiotherapy. As the number of students in each programme varies greatly, this results in the need for venues across the large campus, limiting students’ interactions. This provides them with fewer opportunities for socialisation outside of their profession and they often experience feelings of isolation. “the physios are worse than the medics, like we don’t really interact with the medics so they don’t bother me at all.” - Cami “we don’t really have meridian so we don’t really interact and we all get sent here at Old Main and then you never see like the doctor students again” - Alice The only apparent space for the different disciplines to interact is on the bus when taking transport to the different practice learning sites. This is a space that is available for social interaction amongst different professionals but this is also dependent on practice learning placement, as students are not guaranteed transport to certain placements and if transport is provided, students would only be able to interact with others going to placements in the same geographical area. “And then when your clinics start and you like take the buses together and stuff then you can interact more with the Physios and the OT’s “- Alice During the focus group, whilst participants were discussing the divisions in the faculty, an issue about hierarchy in H&R surfaced, the participants came to the consensus that Physiotherapists were seen as and acted as if they were at the top of the H&R food chain. “Um like the physios, definitely, I won’t say all of them, um most of them think they better than the rest of us. (Laughter). The OTs, Audios and Speeches are on the same sort of level.”- Cami “I’ve heard of that hierarchy thing amongst health and rehab. Um some OTs have come forward to me at one point in time and told me that um or asked like why we feel as if we’re like the next thing or the next best thing to medicine.” - Tsholofelo H&R participants attend most of their lectures in Old Main Building whereas the medical students are on the main Health Sciences campus. This physical division further increases the isolation between H&R professionals and medical students. “we all get sent here at Old Main and then you never see like the doctor students again.” - Alice Apart from BP and BHP course, there is no other space available for different professions to interact with each other. In summary, this category speaks to how the lack of interaction between the different divisions within the FHS contributes to the dynamics on the campus, ultimately perpetuating a hierarchy due to the lack of knowledge and disregard of the different professional roles within the health care setting. Discussion The model of transactionalism offers a lens to view an individual in a way that cannot be seen as a separate entity outside of their context15. This model aligns with the theme that professional identity reflected their personal identities. Professional identities of OTs have been less strongly defined due to lack of understanding of the nature and purpose of OT1. The findings have found that the opposite of what Mackey suggested exists in the department of H&R at UCT. OT students appeared to have a stronger understanding
of their professional identities in clinical practice. The formation of professional identity
begins even before students enter tertiary education and then evolves during studying, clinical experiences and subsequent careers5, which concurred with what the participants said about their personal identities being reflected by their professional identities. This implies that each student’s formation of professional identity will vary according to who they are even though they are taught the same content throughout their university career. Individual at the core is an assumption drawn from the occupational identity construct13,14 that focuses on the individual is in control of itself. This is focused on self-efficacy, personal success and self-esteem. The participants in the study communicated that their professional identity reflected their personal identities, namely seeing how one’s cultural and gender identity can fit into their professional identity and how this affects their ability to practice. This suggests that the formation of professional identity was influenced greatly by who they are as individuals; which is considered as one factor that contributes to the
process of developing a professional identity. Gender was one of the personal identities that
was highlighted to play a
role in the formation of a professional identity. There is a lack of
male representation in some departments in the FHS, particularly OT and CSD. The effects of this include being unable to position oneself within the profession, may deter from professional identity as well as having concerns for his own cultural responsibilities financially. A lack of representation was noted by a male participant in the study who commented on how this has led to a shortage of clinical male OTs. There is a need for more male representatives in H&R in the form of role models, as these professions are deemed as female dominated resulting in males being less visible, as many male H&R professionals choose to
work in the corporate sector and not in the health sector
as it may be seen as more financially viable. The inability for participants to identify themselves within the profession in terms of their personal identity affects their self-efficacy. It was noteworthy that no female participants brought up the lack of male representation in their respective divisions. There is an assumption that this lack of representation was not noted 10 by the female participants due to the lack of direct impact on their daily experiences, because the H&R department is female dominated. Productivity is encompassed by the social recognition that individuals attach to their work6 , the devaluing of H&R professionals’ roles within the multidisciplinary team is likely to have an impact on their productivity as it relates to occupational identity. This may occur when H&R professionals are not recognised, respected or their roles not acknowledged and undermined; therefore, affecting the meaning and value a person assigns to their productivity. These negative social transactions shape professionals’ occupational identity and contribute to poor performance levels in the healthcare setting. According to Phelan & Kinsella6 social dimension speaks to the way in which society and social structures are able to influence the occupations that individuals engage in, and therefore act to shape their occupational identity and intern have an impact on professional identity. It was found that the use of reflective journals brought awareness of values that guide physicians’ interactions with patients and enhance professional identity formation4. Many authors found that professional identity formation is largely reliant on the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience16,5,9. To a large extent the participants of this study agreed with this as they found that learning theory alone was not as effective if it could not be implemented practically, in that theoretical knowledge is not solely sufficient for the skills in their scope of practice. Structures that perpetuate the divide The structural positioning of the FHS campus contributed to the divide amongst the departments of MBChB and H&R through the delegation of faculty resources and physical learning spaces. Being on the Health Sciences campus comes with the convenience of easier access to administration offices and faculty resources for medical students further isolating the H&R students and potentially limiting access to learning and further support. This could also contribute to how H&R students position themselves in relation to medical students. Nembhard and Edmondson17 agreed that on higher status individuals, in this case MBChB students, receive tangible benefits that those who are lower ranked. The second structure that perpetuates the divide amongst healthcare professionals is curricula. Johnson5 emphasised the importance of education and its effects on professional identity as this is when professionals gain the professional knowledge and skills that distinguish them from other occupations. The participants felt that what the curriculum offered in terms of interprofessional learning was not sufficient as it was only done in the first year of study, where they had not yet fully understood their own role in the healthcare system. The attempts of Becoming a Health Professional and Becoming a Professional that were a result of Mayers18 on interprofessional learning, were not seen to be as effective as hoped because participants felt that they did not find these courses useful. The broad issues discussed, offered an explanation to the factors that influence how professional identity is shaped for health and rehabilitation students. These factors either hindered or supported the students development in varying ways, that then continue to perpetuate the hierarchy that currently exists in the higher education environments. Implications for practice This study offers insights into how curriculum can positively shape and contribute to the developing self as an emergent health professional. By taking into careful consideration the content we include in occupational therapy undergraduate curricula and the practice sites we use, this can ensure that every student finds resonance with the experience. Conclusion This article highlighted and brought to the fore how critical events in higher education may have influenced the participants developing professional identity as Health and Rehabilitation students. The curriculum played an integral role in defining how the narrative for each participant was played out and how professional and practice environments greatly shaped the students developing self. References 1. 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