Two favourite themes in Nigérien literature


  • Abdoul-Aziz Issa Daouda Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger



Nigérien novel, drought, famine, rural exodus/migration, emigration


Critics tend to generalise in their analysis of African literature by presenting it from two main angles: anti-colonial literature and the literature of disenchantment focused on a criticism of the political regimes that came out of independence. However, not only did Nigérien literature emerge after independence, but writers from Niger tend to emphasise certain themes addressing practical concerns that are specific to their community; they do not focus on political satire per se. Hence, Niger’s novelists pay attention to essential themes like drought and famine, rural exodus and emigration. Such themes, while constituting the originality of their writing, unfortunately also preclude the usual generalisations of which critics are so enamoured. Key words: Key words: Nigérien novel,
drought, famine, rural exodus / migration, emigration


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Author Biography

  • Abdoul-Aziz Issa Daouda, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger

    Abdoul-Aziz Issa Daouda teaches in the Department of Modern literature, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey (Niger). He specialises in Nigérien Literature and teaches contemporary French Literature and literary criticism.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Daouda, A.-A. I. (2005). Two favourite themes in Nigérien literature. Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 42(2).