Modelling and simulation of a solar absorption cooling system for India


  • V Mittal Mechanical Engineering Department, BRCM College of Engineering and Technology, Bahal
  • K S Kasana Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT, Kurukshetra
  • N S Thakur Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT, Hamirpur



solar absorption, flat plate collector, water–lithium bromide solution, cooling, simulation


This paper presents modelling and simulation of a solar absorption cooling system. In this paper, the modelling of a solar-powered, single stage, absorption cooling system, using a flat plate collector and water–lithium bromide solution, is done. A computer program has been developed for the absorption system to simulate various cycle configurations with the help of various weather data for the village Bahal, District Bhiwani, Haryana, India. The effects of hot water inlet temperatures on the coefficient of performance (COP) and the surface area of the absorption cooling component are studied. The hot water inlet temperature is found to affect the surface area of some of the system components. Moreover the effect of the reference temperature which is the minimum allowable hot water inlet temperature on the fraction of total load met by non-purchased energy (FNP) and coefficient of performance (COP) is studied and it is found that high reference temperature increases the system COP and decreases the surface area of system components but lower reference temperature gives better results for FNP than high reference temperatures.


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How to Cite

Mittal, V., Kasana, K. S., & Thakur, N. S. (2006). Modelling and simulation of a solar absorption cooling system for India. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(3), 65-70.