Water Security and Judicial and Administrative Confusion in South Africa: The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 and Others v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng and Others Case nr 40514/2013
Escarpment Environment Protection Group Case, National Water Act 36 of 1998, Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust Case, Water TribunalAbstract
One of the gravest constraints which South Africa faces in its efforts to promote development and to lift much of its population out of poverty is the relative scarcity of its water. Significant changes were made to South Africa’s water law in the 1990s, especially with the promulgation of the National Water Act 36 of 1998. In terms of this Act a Water Tribunal was created which ought to have enhanced water security and to have provided a settled forum to adjudicate disputes and to assist in developing the jurisprudence of water law. Instead the Tribunal appears to have created almost as much confusion as clarity before it was dissolved in much uncertainty over whether it would continue in existence or not. A recent judgment in the Gauteng High Court (The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 and Others v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng and Others) has created uncertainty by departing from the precedent of a relatively recent judgment in the North Gauteng High Court (Escarpment Environment Protection Group and Wonderfontein Community Association v Department of Water Affairs and Xstrata Alloys (Pty) Ltd and The Water Tribunal). In the context of the uncertainty created by the falling into desuetude, at least between 2011 and 2016, of the Water Tribunal, and contradictory indications from National Government, litigants have been forced to seek other fora for remedies. On occasion, courts have been sympathetic and given sensitive judgments – on occasion they have not. Against this background of inconsistent jurisprudence, it is important that there be greater clarity of rights, duties and institutions, and that institutions become settled as soon as possible so that a consistent jurisprudence can begin to emerge in the water rights field. While the situation stabilizes, which it is hoped that it will soon begin to do, it is suggested that both courts and government act with circumspection in considering applications concerning water use rights; and be sensitive of the current uncertain circumstances when making decisions. The difficulties of ensuring water security and administrative fairness in South Africa demand nothing less.
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Case law
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Escarpment v DWA and Exxaro
Escarpment Environment Protection Group and Wonderfontein Community Association v Department of Water Affairs and Exxaro Coal Case no. WT03/06/2010, appeal ruling 21/07/2011, available at
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Escarpment Environment Protection Group and Langkloof Environmental Committee v Department of Water Affairs and Werm Mining (Pty) Ltd Case no. WT 25/11/2009, available at
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Escarpment v DWA and Xstrata
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The Federation for Sustainable Development v The Department of Water Affairs and Others WT 08/03/2011;
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Koyabe v Minister of Home Affairs 2010 (4) SA 327 (CC).
The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 and Others v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng and Others Case nr 40514/2013, (17 April 2015)
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E Furter “SA Water Amendment Bill scraps water law tribunal” Sheqafrica.com
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Notice 456 of 2014
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Parliamentary Monitoring Group “Water and Sanitation: Questions to the Minister”, Question no. 1756, date of publication in internal question paper: 15 May 2015, https://pmg.org.za/question_reply/543/. Available also at
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Parliamentary Monitoring Group “Water and Sanitation: Questions to the Minister”, Question no. 1756, date of publication in internal question paper: 24 July 2015.
Available also at
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‘About Us’, Water Tribunal Webpage, Department of Water & Sanitation of the Republic of South Africa, https://www.dwaf.gov.za/WaterTribunal/About.aspx accessed 1-16 March 2016.
Water Tribunal Webpage, Case Decisions
‘Case Decisions’, Water Tribunal Webpage, Department of Water & Sanitation of the Republic of South Africa, https://www.dwaf.gov.za/WaterTribunal/Cases.aspx accessed 1-16 March 2016.
Water Tribunal Webpage, Home
‘Home’, Water Tribunal Webpage, Department of Water & Sanitation of the Republic of South Africa, https://www.dwaf.gov.za/WaterTribunal/Default.aspx accessed 1-16 March 2016.
Copyright (c) 2017 Ed Couzens, Devarasi Maduramuthu, Adrian Bellengère

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.