'Darker shades of blue': A comparison of three decades of South African Police Service culture
Police culture, solidarity, isolation, cynicism, South Africa, SAPSAbstract
Research and thought on the public police have emphasized the value of police culture in comprehending the various aspects of policing. Recently a ‘contemporary police culture’ school of thought has risen, challenging prevailing traditional portrayals of homogeneity and universality. Aficionadas of this method argue that new developments in police and policing have dramatically changed police culture and conventional characterisations do not reflect the complex minutiae of the police character, and as such are antiquated, illogical and useless. This manuscript is an attempt to contribute towards this debate by gauging indicators evincing police culture solidarity, isolation, and cynicism amongst a representative sample of South African Police Service (SAPS) functional police officials with ten (10), twenty (20), and thirty (30) years SAPS experience.
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M. E. O'Neill, Monique Marks, and A. Singh. Police occupational culture: New debates and directions. Vol. 8: Emerald, 2007. ; David Alan Sklansky. "Police and democracy." Michigan law review, 2005, 1699-830. ; Tom Cockcroft. "Police culture and transformational leadership: Outlining the contours of a troubled relationship." Policing, 2014.
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