
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Submissions are accepted via this site; email submissions are not accepted. The submissions portal is only opened twice a year. To submit your article, please use the functionality on this page when it is available. When it is not, please consult the Announcements to see when submissions will be reopened.

Before submitting an article, authors should read ‘The IJTL Specifications and Style Guide’, ‘The IJTL Publication and Double-Blind Peer-Review Process’ and ‘The IJTL Editorial Policy’. Also available is ‘The IJTL Confirmation of Submission for Review’, which each author of an article must sign and submit. Refer to the checklist before submitting.

Each submission must include a

  1. Manuscript in .doc or .docx format
  2. The IJTL Confirmation of Submission for Review signed by each author
  3. A fully marked-up similarity report from software such as Turnitin, iThenticate or SafeAssign
  4. Biographical and contact information of all the authors (approximately 50 words) and details of the corresponding 
  5. A language editing report
  6. Referencing and citations must apply the APA 7th Edition. 

For any questions, please contact the Editors at

If you have submitted an Article and have not received an acknowledgement of receipt from the system, please drop us a message on


The journal does not charge any author or page fees. Submission and publication is at no cost. However, all articles are subject to the double blind peer-review process and are only published once accepted.

Style Guide

The The IJTL Specifications and Style Guide can also be downloaded in pdf. Click on the title to download: The IJTL Specifications and Style Guide

Articles should be
• in English;
• typed in Times New Roman, font size 11, 1.15-line spacing in MSWord (.doc or .docx) format;
• limited to 6000 words, excluding tables, figures and references;
• complete in every regard – for example, tables and figures should be included in the manuscript;
and should include
• an abstract of 150 or fewer words;
• five keywords;
and may include
• a title page, which includes the names, institutional affiliations and ORCIDs (where possible) of all authors, in the manuscript – the Editorial team ensures anonymisation of the manuscript prior to double-blind peer review;
• short annexures attached to the manuscript that may aid reviewers – annexures will not be considered for publication in the journal.

Additionally, Arabic numerals – that is, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on – must be used when expressing figures or when numbering items. Using bracketed Roman numerals – that is, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) etc. – is encouraged only in cases where items forming part of a list within a paragraph are numbered.
References, both in the body of the article and in the reference list, must be presented using the Harvard style. References that are cited in the body of the article must be present in the reference list and vice versa. Articles in past editions of the IJTL itself are the best source of practical examples of the preferred organisation of articles and of the heading styles favoured by the IJTL.

Where applicable, authors must include a statement confirming that the necessary ethics clearance was obtained, and that vulnerable individuals, groups and populations are protected. See the section on research ethics and vulnerable populations in the IJTL’s Editorial Policy.
The authors of accepted articles will be asked to submit short biographies before their articles are published. These biographies should not exceed 150 words.
Proofs will be sent to authors if there is sufficient time to do so. They should be corrected and returned within 48 hours of receipt. The Editor reserves the right to publish without proofs having been signed off by the author.
NOTE: Manuscripts that do not conform to the above requirements do not have to be considered for double-blind peer review and therefore publication.

Contributions considered for publication

The following contributions are considered for publication:

  • Research-based, empirical, reflective, theoretical or synoptic articles that would be of interest to education practitioners;
  • Review articles that critically examine research carried out in a specific field;
  • Discussion or advocacy papers suitable for publication, articles for publication in a section entitled 'Practitioner's Corner';
  • Book reviews that comprise a clear and concise evaluation of recently published books.

The journal also publishes Doctoral abstracts in the section ‘Doctoral Corner’. The journal invites recent doctoral graduates in education to provide a forum for them to showcase their doctoral research. This, in turn, provides researchers and practitioners with the opportunity to access cutting-edge research in their disciplinary field, which may be of benefit in their area of work. These are not classified as articles and do not appear in the article section. The Doctoral Corner submissions must all have permanent links for accessibility to the full thesis and these links are checked on submission and in the finalisation process.
To ensure that papers published in the journal are relevant to educational practitioners and are of good quality, each paper accepted for review undergoes a double-blind peer review, the process of which is detailed under 'Policies'. This procedure is in line with the ASSAF National Code of Best Practice in Editorial Discretion and Peer Review.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file is in .doc or .docx MSWord file format.
  • The article consists of a title page, an abstract of 150 or fewer words, 5 keywords, with the article itself limited to 6000 words, excluding tables, figures and references, and annexures where applicable.
  • The text is single-spaced; Times New Roman, font size 11, with 1.15-line spacing; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Arabic numerals were used to express figures or numbering items. Bracketed Roman numerals were only used in cases where items forming part of a list within a paragraph are numbered.
  • The Confirmation of Submission for Review for each author of an article has been filled in and signed, and is part of this submission – where an article has multiple authors, it is submitted as a single file.
  • A fully marked-up similarity report from software such as Turnitin, iThenticate or SafeAssign is included as part of this submission.
  • Biographical and contact information of the corresponding author only (approximately 50 words) are included as part of this submission.
  • A language editing report is included as part of this submission.
  • References apply the APA 7th Edition for all references and citations.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Personal data collected is dealt with in accordance with the South African POPI Act, South Africa's equivalent of the EU GDPR. Also view the Khulisa Journals Data Privacy Policy for more information.