Challenges experienced by South African police officers when taking statements from victims with a communication disability: An exploratory study




Police officers increasingly come into contact with persons with a communication disability in their line of duty. This study describes the challenges officers face when taking statements from such victims. Focus group discussions were conducted with South African police officers. Findings showed that they face a myriad of challenges in the statement-taking process. These could be categorised under four main themes: the transactional nature of communication, lack of resources to support communication during statement-taking, the vulnerability of complainants with communication disabilities, and police pessimism. The article recommends that disability sensitivity training, as well as training on communication disability, be provided to police officers. 


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Author Biographies

  • Erna Viljoen, Counselling Psychologist

    Erna Viljoen holds a doctorate in Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) from the University of Pretoria. She is a registered psychologist in Counselling and Industrial Psychology in private practice. 

  • Kerstin Tonsing, University of Pretoria

    Kerstin Tönsing is a speech-language therapist and professor at the Centre for Alternative and Augmentative Communication, University of Pretoria. Her research focuses on the design and implementation of augmentative and alternative communication systems to foster communication and participation in persons with communication access needs. 

  • Juan Bornman, Stellenbosch University

    Juan Bornman is a professor in the Division of Speech- Language and Hearing Therapy, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Stellenbosch University and research fellow at the University of Pretoria. She is a registered speech-language therapist, and her research focuses on using AAC within a human rights-based approach to ensure access to social justice for persons with significant communication disability. 






Research articles

How to Cite

Viljoen, E., Tonsing, K. M., & Bornman, J. (2023). Challenges experienced by South African police officers when taking statements from victims with a communication disability: An exploratory study. South African Crime Quarterly, 72, 2-27 to 2.