Schwannoma of the infratemporal fossa - A rare case report


  • Shivani Bansal Nair Hospital Dental College, India
  • Dilipkumar Basavanthappa Seven Hills Hospital, India
  • Pooja Prasad Nair Hospital Dental College, India
  • Mugdha S Raut Nair Hospital Dental College, India
  • Rajiv S Desai Nair Hospital Dental College, India



Schwannoma, nerve sheath, head and neck region


Schwannoma is a benign nerve sheath tumour that originates from schwann cells of the peripheral nerve. In spite of constituting 25-40% of head and neck tumours its in-traoral presentation is rare which accounts for only 1%. The purpose of this case report is to highlight the rarity of this lesion, to emphasize the significance of an accurate diagnosis and to include tumours of nerve sheath origin in the differential diagnosis of facial asymmetry.


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How to Cite

Bansal, S. ., Basavanthappa, D. ., Prasad, P. ., Raut, M. S. ., & Desai, R. S. . (2020). Schwannoma of the infratemporal fossa - A rare case report. South African Dental Journal, 75(9), 485-487.