The case of three burials - A forensic case book
forensic odontology, dental recordsAbstract
The details of this case have been omitted in order to maintain anonymity.
An elderly male was reported missing from his home by his family. Initially, an inquiry and missing person's docket was opened. On investigation, several suspicious findings, along with other emerging evidence led to the case being changed into one of kidnapping.
Unbeknown to the investigating officers, around the same time a body had been found buried in a shallow grave about 200 kilometers from the missing person's home (First burial). The body had been taken to the state mortuary were a post-mortem was performed. At that stage there was no connection made to the missing person's case and after the body remained unclaimed, the corpse was given a pauper's funeral (Second burial).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Liam Robinson, Leanne M Sykes, Herman Bernitz

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