Review of the radiographic modalities used during dental implant therapy - A narrative


  • Khaled R Beshtawi University of Western Cape, South Africa
  • Mogammad T Peck The City of London Dental School, Southgate College, London, United Kingdom.
  • Manogari Chetty University of Western Cape, South Africa



dental radiographic modalities, digital x-ray receivers, Dental implant therapy (DIT)


The introduction of digital x-ray receivers which replaced conventional films was a significant radiographic development that is commonly used in daily dental practice. Dental implant therapy (DIT) is a sought after dental therapeutic intervention and dental radiography is an essential component contributing to the success of treatment. Dental radiographs taken in daily practice are generally conventional two-dimensional images and/or three-dimensional images. Ideally, the choice of radiographic technique should be determined after a thorough clinical examination and comprehensive consideration of the advantages, indications, and drawbacks. Digital three-dimensional modalities that have emerged over the last decade have been incorporated into DIT
with the assumption that treatment outcomes will be improved. These modalities are constantly being reassessed and improved but there is a paucity of published information regarding the assessment of variables such as dosages and dimensional accuracy, suggesting that further research in these matters is necessary. This is crucial in order to obtain evidence-based information that may influence future radiographic practices. In this narrative, the authors present the most commonly used dental radiographic modalities currently used in DIT.


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How to Cite

Beshtawi, . K. R. ., Peck, M. T. ., & Chetty, . M. . (2021). Review of the radiographic modalities used during dental implant therapy - A narrative. South African Dental Journal, 76(2), 84-90.