Botox in periodontics - Exploring new avenues


  • Manchala S Reddy College of Dentistry, Ajman. United Arab Emirates
  • Shishir R Shetty College of Dental Medicine, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
  • Raghavendra M Shetty College of Dentistry, Ajman University, Ajman. United Arab Emirates
  • Venkataramana Vannala College of Dentistry, Gulf Medical University, Al Jurf, Ajman. United Arab Emirates.
  • Shakeel S Khazi College of Dentistry, Gulf Medical University, Al Jurf, Ajman. United Arab Emirates.
  • Shoiab T Mohammed College of Dentistry, Gulf Medical University, Al Jurf, 4184, Ajman. United Arab Emirates



Botulinum toxin, gummy smile, bruxism, dental implants, masseteric hypertrophy, excessive gingival display


From a periodontal point of view, various factors contribute to facial aesthetics. In the recent past, studies have revealed that excessive gingival display is a factor that influences an individual’ smile line. Some literature exists to support that more than excessive gingival display of more than 3mm is considered unaesthetic and termed a ‘gummy smile’ (GS). The prevalence of 'gummy smile’ has been 10% and to be more common in females. Gingival hyperplasia altered passive eruption, vertical maxillary excess, and upper-lip hypermobility can all result in excessive gingival display when a patient smile.To select the correct treatment protocol, accurate diagnosis is essential. Various techniques have been used to treat gummy smile which includes surgical and non-surgical methods. Recently a non-surgical method using Botulinum toxin gained popularity considering that the method is minimally invasive.


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How to Cite

Reddy, . M. S. ., Shetty, . S. R. ., Shetty, . R. M. ., Vannala, V. ., Khazi, . S. S., & Mohammed, . S. T. . (2021). Botox in periodontics - Exploring new avenues. South African Dental Journal, 76(2), 78-83.