Integrating dentistry into palliative medicine - Novel insights and opportunities




palliative dentistry, geriatric dentistry, mobile dentistry, portable dentistry, palliative oral care


Palliative care is a global human right, to be provided in a systematic way. The dentist can help the patient right from the initial diagnosis of the condition up to the relief of pain in the terminal stages of the diseases. This inquiry into the oral physician‘s role on elderly care and special needs would be of benefit to researchers of Palliative Dentistry; particularly in multidisciplinary contexts. This text proposes to discussintegrated oral care, oral health care delivery system, and a flow of educational actions, resources, research, conceptual framework, guidelines and dissemination of newer trends in oral palliative care.


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How to Cite

Majeed, . A. ., Ahsan, . A. ., Vengal, . M. ., Sampath, . P. ., & Vivek, . G. . (2021). Integrating dentistry into palliative medicine - Novel insights and opportunities . South African Dental Journal, 76(3), 153-159.