The effect of A-dec ICX TM on microbiological water quality in self-contained dental units' water systems
A-dec ICX TM, microbiological water, self-contained dental units' water systemsAbstract
The contamination of dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) as a result of biofilms that adhere to the inner surfaces of the lines continues to generate concern. The biofilm serves as a reservoir that can increase the number of free-floating microorganisms in the water used for dental treatment.Recent studies found that it presents a confirmed but limited risk to immunocompetent individuals, but may pose a significant hazard for immunocompromised patients and dental professionals. DUWLs are prone to biofilm formation because of their small diameter and water stagnation. Untreated or unfiltered dental unit water is likely to contain high numbers of microorganisms and is unlikely to meet standards for water used as a cool-ant/irrigant for nonsurgical dental procedures.Common approaches to improve water quality include self-contained water systems combined with periodic or continuous chemical treatment protocols, daily draining, air purging regimens, anti-retraction valves, point of use micro-filters, as well as flushing waterlines for several minutes in the morning and after every patient. Centralized systems designed for single chair or entire practice waterlines that purify or treat incoming water to remove or inactivate microorganisms are becoming more popular.In most dental settings, treatment water comes from the municipal water supply directly into the dental unit.
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