What’s new for the clinician – summaries of recently published papers (September 2021)
Epidemiology, dentinAbstract
It is estimated that 621 million children throughout the world have untreated caries on primary teeth. 1 Early childhood caries (ECC), which affects preschool children, progresses rapidly and is associated with pain, difficulty chewing, weight loss, difficulty sleeping, altered behaviour, and a poorer quality of life for affected children and theirfamilies. Children with dental caries have greater treatmentneed, which is expensive and not readily accessible in most developing countries. In South Africa, ECC is a major
public health problem with caries rates among children as high as 70% in some provinces.
Lopes-Gomes, R., Ramos-Jorge, M.L., Fernandes, I.B. et al. Untreated dental caries and visible plaque of mothers are not determinant for the incidence of caries in dentin among children: evidence from a 3-year prospective cohort study. Clinical Oral Investigations 2021; 25: 5431–5439
Liapis D, De Bruyne MA, De Moor RJ, Meire MA. Postoperative pain after ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation during root canal treatment: a randomized clinical trial. International Endodontic Journal. 2021; 54: 1037-50.

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