A radiographic analysis of Mandibular Symphysis dimension in black South African adult patients with differing skeletal patterns
skeletal, symphysisAbstract
Orthodontic treatment often involves planned tooth movement within the confined spaces of the alveolar bone trough. Tooth movement within the alveolar trough may be limited by thin labial and lingual cortical plates. Moving lower incisors beyond the mandibular symphysis dimensions may result in damage to roots and alveolar bone.4 Aim and objective The aim of the study was to evaluate limitation of treatment in different skeletal patterns due to mandibular symphysis dimension in order to evaluate limitations of tooth movement within the confines of the mandibular alveolar trough.The objective was to determine the mandibular symphysis
dimensions in subjects with differing skeletal patterns Design The design was a retrospective, cross-sectional study. Methods A sample of 180 pre-treatment lateral cephalometric radiographs of black South African subjects were stratified into three groups based on their skeletal classification. Each Class was further divided into equal numbers of males and females. Descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, ANOVA test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyse the data and p-values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results Subjects with skeletal Class I pattern had a greater LA compared to subjects with skeletal Class II pattern. Subjects
with skeletal Class I pattern had a greater LH and LA in females than in males. Subjects with skeletal Class III pattern had greater
LH in males than in females.
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