What’s new for the clinician– summaries of recently published papers
luoride exposureAbstract
There is substantial published literature describing the relationship between systemic health and oral, particularly periodontal health1. To list a few, periodontal diseases have been linked to cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, dementia, respiratory diseases, and mortality, where an inflammatory pathway was depicted.1 Another line of research has examined the association between the number of teeth, severe dental caries, and general health among older adults and children, suggesting
a nutritional pathway.1 In the United Kingdom (UK), DEPPA, the Denplan PreViser Patient Assessment, is used an online tool that assesses patients’ risk of developing future oral disease and their current oral health status is recorded using the composite
'Oral Health Score' (OHS) . Online questionnaires are completed by patient and practitioner using data collected in
a routine examination.
Sharma P, Busby M, Chapple L, Matthews R, Chapple I. The relationship between general health and lifestyle factors and oral health outcomes. British dental journal. 2016; 221: :65-9.
Rothburn N, Fairchild R, Morgan M. Gluten-free foods: a 'health halo' too far for oral health? British Dental Journal (2022). https://0-doi-org.innopac.wits. ac.za/10.1038/s41415-022-4424-2

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