Stressors in Dental Students During the Transition from Theory to Practice: A Qualitative Research


  • Maryam Alsadat Hashemipour Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  • Vida Hosseini General Dentist, Private Practice, Kerman, Iran
  • Homa Kamyabi Department of Oral Medicine, Dental School, Kerman of University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran



Stress, Students, Qualitative, Research, Interview


Dentistry is one of the most challenging, demanding, and stressful fields of study. Dental students are expected to acquire various skills, including academic, clinical, and interpersonal skills. This study aimed to investigate the stressors in students during the transition from theory to practice through qualitative research methods and ultimately improve curricula used for learning. This cross-sectional study was performed on fourth to sixth year students of Kerman Dental School through interviews. Interviews related to the experienced clinical stress and challenges and experiences in the clinical environment were conducted with 40 students (16
males and 24 females) who were randomly included in the study and the participants' statements were recorded with their consent. The interview continued until the stage of information saturation and at the end it was confirmed by the participants in the study.
Qualitative data were analyzed based on content analysis and then the data were classified. In this study, 8 people were in the fourth year, 16 people were in the fifth year and 16 people were in the sixth year. According to the statements and experiences of students, stressors such as reprimand and lack of time were the most common causes of clinical stress. Other factors, such as professors' attitudes and infection control, also had a significant effect on stress. Patient related factors such as not having a patient, their late or
late arrival, and being harassed at work were also cited as causes of stress. Many factors in the clinical environment play a role in the stress of dental students, which can be eliminated or reduced to greatly contribute to the quality of education. According to the results of this study and the recognition of stressors in the clinical environment, more attention of the authorities to this field and the
need to review clinical education seems necessary


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How to Cite

Hashemipour, M. A., Hosseini, V., & Kamyabi, H. (2022). Stressors in Dental Students During the Transition from Theory to Practice: A Qualitative Research. South African Dental Journal, 77(07), 386-393.