Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis: A case report


  • Nadia Pillay Postgraduate diploma in Oral Surgery (TUKS), 52 Burn Street , Waverly, Johannesburg, 2090 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5441-2567
  • Gugulethu Mhlanga Maxillofacial and oral surgery specialist/ Senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, Oral and Dental Hospital, Steve Biko and Dr Savage road, Riviera, Pretoria






Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but rapidly progressive condition, with a high morbidity and mortality rate. This rapidly spreading soft tissue infection rarely occurs in the head and neck region, and when it does it is most caused by odontogenic origin. A variety of host
factors such as immune status, hygienic practices and socio-economic status are role players in the disease process. This case report documents a 38-year old male who presented with cervical necrotizing fasciitis of odontogenic origin. The patient was managed
and stabilized through removal of the necrotic tissue, extraction of all carious teeth, and optimization of the overall medical health status of the patient. HIV is widely prevalent in South Africa and therefore the patient consented to HIV testing, this alluded to an
undiagnosed HIV positive status.


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Author Biography

  • Gugulethu Mhlanga, Maxillofacial and oral surgery specialist/ Senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, Oral and Dental Hospital, Steve Biko and Dr Savage road, Riviera, Pretoria



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How to Cite

Pillay, N., & Mhlanga, G. (2022). Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis: A case report . South African Dental Journal, 77(09), 559-563. https://doi.org/10.17159/2519-0105/2022/v77no9a5