In-vitro comparison of bonding time and strength of adhesive pre-coated and standard metal orthodontic brackets




Debonding, non-fluoridated pumice


To compare the shear bond strength and bond time of 3M Unitek's APC (Adehesive Pre-Coated) Flash-Free™system applied to metal brackets. An in vitro study was performed on 40 extracted sound human premolar teeth randomly divided into two groups
(20 per group) bonded either with Adhesive Pre-Coated Flash-Free metal brackets or metal brackets coated manually with Transbond XT™ light-cure adhesive. Bonding time was measured using a stopwatch. Thermoycling was performed on the samples (500 cycles)
to simulate the oral environment between baths of 5°C and 55°C distilled water. Debonding shear bond strength measurements were performed in an Instron universal testing machine. The APC Flash-Free group bonded in significantly (p<0.001) less time (mean 34.06s/tooth) than the manually coated group (mean 55.14s/tooth). Shear bond strength of the manually coated group was significantly (p<0.001) higher (mean 13.32 MPa) than the APC Flash-Free group (mean 10.95 MPa). The APC Flash-Free free system is efficient and allows for reduced chair time during the bonding appointment while attaining a mean shear bond strength of 10.95MPa,
which is higher than the minimum shear bond strength of between 4MPa and 7MPa1


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Author Biography

  • Emad Ghabrial, Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, University of Pretoria


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How to Cite

Essop, R., Ghabrial, E., & Becker, P. J. (2022). In-vitro comparison of bonding time and strength of adhesive pre-coated and standard metal orthodontic brackets. South African Dental Journal, 77(10), 587-591.