Are you responsible and accountable for your actions?


  • Leanne Sykes Head of Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria
  • S Shaik Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Diagnostic Imaging, University of Pretoria
  • Charles Bradfield Registrar Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria



panoramic, diagnostic, biopsies


In all walks of life we are accountable for our actions. However in dentistry the scope and extent of one’s responsibilities may not always be obvious. This paper aims to remind clinicians of their need to be cognisant of some fundamental principles, and to ask themselves certain relevant questions before embarking on any procedure. It makes special reference to the obligations associated with the increased use of dental imaging modalities. It does not purport to be a comprehensive review into any specific dental condition or treatment modality, but is rather a broad overview and reminder of their ethical obligations with respect to their “duty of


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Author Biography

  • Charles Bradfield, Registrar Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria


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How to Cite

Sykes, L., Shaik, S., & Bradfield, C. (2023). Are you responsible and accountable for your actions?. South African Dental Journal, 78(02), 105-106.

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