An innovative digital workfl ow for the fabrication of a prosthetic ear: A case report
Maxillofacial prosthetics, Auricular prosthesis, Digital impression, Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), Rapid prototyping, Standard Tessellation Language (STL)Abstract
The aim of maxillofacial rehabilitation is to provide suitable prostheses for patients with oro-facial defects, and enable them to resume their roles in society. Recent advances in bionics and prosthetics have combined different techniques to help in the production of aesthetic and functional prostheses. Technology can now supplement the freehand sculpting skills of the clinician by capturing accurate images of the soft tissues from both the defect and non-defect areas, and using these to digitally recreate the desired
templates. This case report describes the digital steps used to capture necessary data for the design and fabrication of an auricular
template, and fi nal ear prosthesis. Results from this case study suggested that the digital method is: 1) more accurate; 2) less time-consuming than traditional methods; and 3) less invasive, and thus more accepted by patients.
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