Dental patients’ knowledge, attitudes and experiences related to voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in the dental setting in eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal




HIV/AIDS, rapid HIV testing, dental workplace, oral healthcare workers


Globally, the number of people unaware of their HIV status, and the rate of transmission of the disease, remains high. Scaling up of HIV testing opportunities and settings, particularly in the dental clinical setting, is needed to address this major public health concern.


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Author Biography

  • S Singh, Professor, Discipline of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


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How to Cite

Balwanth, S., & Singh, S. (2024). Dental patients’ knowledge, attitudes and experiences related to voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in the dental setting in eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal. South African Dental Journal, 79(02), 69-74.