Development of a framework for a dental curriculum to align to AfriMEDS Competency Framework through document analysis




competency, implementation, overarching


In response to the adoption of the AfriMEDS competency framework by the HPCSA, all dental schools in South Africa were required to incorporate and implement these core competencies described in AfriMEDS within the undergraduate curricula. Due to the paucity of literature on how dental schools have implemented the AfriMEDS core competencies framework, an exploration of the latter is invaluable. The aim of the study was to develop an implementation framework to align the undergraduate dental curriculum at a dental school in South Africa to the AfriMEDS competency framework.


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Author Biography

  • José M Frantz, Research and Innovation, Department of  Physiotherapy, University of the Western Cape, South Africa


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How to Cite

Maart, R. D., Adam, R. Z., & Frantz, J. M. (2024). Development of a framework for a dental curriculum to align to AfriMEDS Competency Framework through document analysis. South African Dental Journal, 79(07), 375-380.