MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY Emergent panoramic artefact in dental radiology: Footprint of COVID-19 pandemic


  • Koketso Tshite



unprecedented, panoramic, radiopaque, tomographic


The unprecedented educational challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to offer opportunities to update, improve and strengthen the dental curriculum. Intra-oral radiographic methods were restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic due to their aerosol-generating nature, which resulted in extra-oral radiographs being predominantly used.1The strict usage of face masks during the pandemic, which continues to date, emerged a new patient preparation error in dental radiology. 


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How to Cite

Tshite, K. (2024). MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY Emergent panoramic artefact in dental radiology: Footprint of COVID-19 pandemic. South African Dental Journal, 79(08), 450-451.