Care and Compassion in Healthcare Provision




interpersonal, Immermann


The quality of patient care forms the basis of all doctor-patient relationships. However, it requires more than mere provision 
of what is necessary to maintain or restore their health, and should encompass an emotional connection, and a desire to 
help them. Care covers a wide range of activities and is often seen as the technical and procedural aspects of medicine, while compassion revolves around the relational aspects of patient care. It requires clinicians to be able to express empathy and understanding, share their patients’ feelings, be available, communicate, try to provide support and encouragement, and treat them with respect and dignity. This paper discusses care and compassion and explores issues such as whether a person can be taught to care and or show compassion; if too much compassion could cloud a practitioner’s judgement; if it’s possible to deliver good care 
without being compassionate; and whether a person who has never experienced compassion can develop this ability.


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How to Cite

Sykes, L., & Bester , J. (2024). Care and Compassion in Healthcare Provision. South African Dental Journal, 79(08), 434-437.

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