Amelogenesis imperfecta with multiple impacted teeth and altered eruption pathways - A radiographic case report




Amelogenesis imperfecta, impactions, altered eruption pathways, gubernacular canals


Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) comprises a vast group of developmental alterations in the quantity and/or quality of enamel, unaffected by systemic disorders. In this case report we describe the typical clinical and radiographic features of AI with multiple impacted teeth and altered eruption pathways. Patients with AI benefit from early diagnosis and treatment to prevent tooth loss and loss of vertical dimension. Optimal management of these patients requires a multidisciplinary approach and regular dental recall appointments. Therefore it is the oral health clinician’s responsibility for the timeous identification of this condition.


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How to Cite

Nel, C., Yakoob, Z., Kungoane, T. ., & Davidson, C. L. . (2020). Amelogenesis imperfecta with multiple impacted teeth and altered eruption pathways - A radiographic case report. South African Dental Journal, 75(5), 262-266.

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