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Author Guidelines

The African Journal on Conflict Resolution (AJCR) is a biannual peer-reviewed open access journal published by ACCORD for the multidisciplinary subject field of conflict resolution. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews on subjects relating to conflict, its management and resolution, as well as peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding in Africa. It aims to be a conduit between theory and practice. Contributors should therefore reflect on theoretical approaches and engage practical aspects of preventing and managing armed and other violence, and building durable peace in Africa.

Submission requirements
We welcome for consideration original submissions that address conflict resolution, management and peacebuilding in Africa. The Editorial Board encourages academics and practitioners to submit scholarly articles that address issues such as those outlined above. Manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Board of peer reviewers for quality, originality and contribution to knowledge, and the development of the journal is presided over by an Advisory Panel of eminent scholars. The review process inevitably takes time, but every effort is made to ensure that authors are informed as soon as possible regarding whether their manuscripts have been accepted or not. Please note that the journal can only consider manuscripts which are not under consideration in another journal and manuscripts which have not been published elsewhere, either in part or as a whole. 

Articles should be of high academic quality, and should be 6000-8000 words in length, including all references, a list of sources and footnotes. An abstract of 100-200 words, a list of six keywords for indexing purposes, and a few lines about the author and the author(s) ORCiD should be included. Abstracts should be written in the present tense and cover the following aspects: problematique, thesis, main arguments, methods, findings and conclusions. Figures and tables should be included in the main text of the article, in the appropriate places. Pages should be numbered. No personal or author information should remain on submitted manuscripts. This is to comply with our double-blind peer review process. Please submit your manuscript in Times New Roman 12pt, with 1.5 line spacing.

Book reviews for AJCR should be between 1000-1500 words, including information on the book title, author, year, place and publisher, total number of pages, ISBN number as well as a few lines about the reviewer.

Articles should be well referenced, according to the Harvard Style (author date: page number). The list of sources should include authors’ first names, according to the AJCR Referencing Style Sheet. As far as possible, in-text references should include the page numbers of the sections referred to. In the case of direct quotations, the inclusion of exact page numbers is absolutely necessary. Footnotes may be used to add extra details, comments or references which may distract attention from arguments in the text. For more information about the referencing system, please see the AJCR Referencing Style Sheet.

Where to send articles
Articles and book reviews may be submitted as MS Word documents using this online submission system.  To successfully submit a manuscript, first Register/Login. Each contributing author is required to register in full, incl.: Title, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Postal Address, Telephone Number (incl. Country Code), Email Address, Organisation and Designation, Short Author Biography, ORCID.

Authors of articles selected for publication will be awarded modest honorariums upon publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • I/we have read the AJCR Author Guidelines and this submission abides by the standards set out in these rules.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text applies 1.5 line spacing; uses a 12-pointTimes New Roman font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • I/we understand that any copyright infringement or plagiarism in this paper constitutes a serious offence and will lead to an immediate and irreversible rejection or withdrawal of the submission.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format, and all references to authors of this paper have been removed for double-blind peer-review purposes.
  • I/we have briefly explained the role and contribution of each author in a separate MSWord document’
  • The references adhere to the requirements outlined in the AJCR Referencing Style Sheet. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • I/we confirm that this submission is entirely based on original research and that all unoriginal or paraphrased content has been clearly referenced according to the Harvard Style (author date: page number).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Personal data collected is dealt with in accordance with the South African POPI Act, South Africa's equivalent of the EU GDPR. Also view the Khulisa Journals Data Privacy Policy for more information.