Professional development for teachers of Grade 1 second language learners




teacher needs, L2 learner, professional development, bioecological framework, speech-language therapist


There is a need for professional development (PD) among second language (L2) learners’ teachers to bring L2 learners up to the same level as their home language (L1) peers globally and in South Africa. Speech-language therapists (SLTs) can provide PD for teachers on language and literacy development of L2 learners. Within the bioecological framework, a mixed method design was used to determine teachers’ PD needs through a questionnaire and dyadic interviews. The bioecological framework illuminated the personal characteristics, context, and time factors that inform PD needs. The results indicate a positive impact on teachers and L2 learners when schools prioritise teacher support for L2 learners. Teachers want to be involved in the implementation of PD, but many would prefer support without a coaching element. The findings provide direction for PD programmes to assist teachers with L2 learners in their class.1


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How to Cite

Schoeman, J. C., Geertsema, S., le Roux, M., Pottas, L., & Graham , M. A. (2024). Professional development for teachers of Grade 1 second language learners. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 17(2), 137-158.

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