No. 59 (2017): March 2017

					View No. 59 (2017): March 2017

Research articles explore adherence to, and implementation of, duties placed on police by the 1998 Domestic Violence Act; the discretion of the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to refuse parole to those serving life sentences; and why organised crime figures choose to live and work in some areas rather than others.

A case note examines the treatment of an accused person who, due to mental illness, is unfit to stand trial but is still required by law to be detained, and a review essay considers the potential of the ‘violence observatory’ model for South Africa.

The issue ends with an On the Record interview with South African Police Service (SAPS) Deputy-National Commissioner, Gary Kruser, who explains the organisation’s new management intervention capacity and strategy.

Published: 03/01/2017