Macrodontia and Dens Invaginatus - Review of the literature and a case report




macrodontia, dens invaginatus, apexification


Disturbances in histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation may include genetic or environmental factors. These disturbances often lead to dental anomalies. This paper reviews the aetiology, clinical and radiographic appearance, diagnosis and treatment options for macrodontia and dens invaginatus respectively. A rare case is presented in which the two anomalies occurred directly next to each other in the anterior dentition of a young boy. The diagnostic process and management are reported with a detailed explanation of the use of modern diagnostic aids and equipment. The procedure of apexification is also described in detail as both anterior teeth were still immature when they turned necrotic. A 2-year follow up reported the successful treatment resolution of infection and associated symptoms, as well as restoration of function and aesthetics.


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How to Cite

van der Vyver, . P. J., Potgieter, . N. ., Moelich, . N. ., & Vally, . Z. (2021). Macrodontia and Dens Invaginatus - Review of the literature and a case report. South African Dental Journal, 76(2), 91-95.