Predictable sedation: Safe administration of oral Midazolam and nitrous oxide gas for paediatric patients in the general dental practice




enzodiazepine, dental, Midazolam, nitrous oxide, paediatric, paedodontics, sedation.


Behaviour management for anxious paediatric dental patients is challenging. Solutions include education and sedation. Various drugs have been used to effectively sedate paediatric patients during treatment. The aim of this study was to review literature on the
sedation of paediatric patients. The study specifically looked at those reviews covering the combination of two sedation methods in case of more challenging paediatric patients. The study undertook a literature review focused on studies using nitrous oxide, Midazolam, or a combination of the two substances. An electronic search was done on EBSCOhost to source articles published from 1979 to 2019. A deeper form of sedation can be achieved for paediatric patients when using a combination of nitrous oxide, oxygen
and a hypnotic agent such as Midazolam. Dealing with the anxiety levels of paediatric patients is a challenge for dental health providers. Two of the main strategies used to deal with anxious children are behaviour management and sedation. A critical review of
journal articles on the use of nitrous oxide and oxygen in combination with Midazolam was therefore undertaken. The findings suggest that, in order to achieve a deeper form of sedation, the combination of nitrous oxide, oxygen and Midazolam works well to reduce discomfort, anxiety and/or pain in paediatric patients.


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How to Cite

Potgieter, . N., & Streit, . G. (2021). Predictable sedation: Safe administration of oral Midazolam and nitrous oxide gas for paediatric patients in the general dental practice. South African Dental Journal, 76(08), 471-476.

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