Intraradicular rehabilitation of a necrotic, immature tooth using MTA, a fiber post and composite resin - A case report
pexification, calcium hydroxide, fiber post, mineral trioxide aggregate.Abstract
Endodontic treatment of necrotic, immature teeth with open apices can present challenges to debridement, disinfection, and optimal obturation. These teeth may have widely flared canals and thin radicular dentinal walls that are susceptible to fracture. Management of the open apex can be performed using a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plug. To ensure a better prognosis in such structurally compromised teeth, internal radicular reinforcement using fiber posts and a self-adhesive cement has been suggested. The present case report illustrates the management of a necrotic, immature maxillary right central incisor in a 10-year-old patient using the MTA apical barrier technique and canal reinforcement using a fiber post.
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