The accuracy of various radiographic modalities for implant therapy
CBCT, accuracy, panorama, implant, periapical.Abstract
To investigate the dimensional accuracy of radiographic techniques utilized during implant therapy. Six dried human skulls were used to compare three dimensions in ten anatomical segments. Linear distances in-between metallic markers were measured and compared physically, and virtually on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) volumes, panoramic (PAN) and periapical (PA) radiographs. The angular distances along the curved arches of both jaws (connecting the upper metallic markers) were measured using cords. One-way ANOVA (p-value < 0.05) tests were executed to statistically analyze the mean differences between physical and virtual distances measured. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to analyze the level of consistency of observers.
Statistically significant overall mean difference of all distances comparing physical and radiographic (CBCT, PAN, and PA), with the CBCT showed the least overall submillimeter discrepancy in the maxilla (M.D= -0.638 mm, SD= 0.203) and mandible (M.D=0.326mm, SD=0.23). Overestimations exceeding a millimeter were found in maxilla (M.D=2.229mm, SD=0.856) and mandible (M.D =3.832mm, SD=1.272) of measurements performed on panoramic radiographs. Periapical radiographs exhibited an overall mean maxillary underestimation of -3.707mm, (SD=1.31) and mandibular mean overestimation of 1.849 mm (SD=0.875). CBCT demonstrated a superior submillimeter overall accuracy in comparison to periapical and panoramic radiographs. While PAN and PA presented with individual
dimension precision (submillimeter difference), the overall mean of difference for these modalities was inferior when compared with CBCT. CBCT showed superior dimensional stability and thus it is recommended during implant planning phases
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