Oral and Oropharyngeal HPV prevalence in South Africa A systematic review and meta-analysis


  • Neil Wood Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, School of Oral Health Sciences, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Pretoria, South Africa https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8950-7999
  • Pagollang Motloba Department of Community Dentistry, School of Oral Health Sciences, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Pretoria, South Africa https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1379-7576
  • Louisa Nokukhanya Makwakwa School of Oral Health Sciences, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Pretoria, South Africa
  • John-Paul Bogers Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology, University of Antwerp, Belgium. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9107-132X




HPV prevalence, oropharynx, oral, HPV, human papillomavirus


Prevalence data for HPV infection in the head and neck in Southern African populations is lacking. In addition to cervical cancer, this sexually transmitted oncogenic virus is responsible for a subset of head and neck cancer and is transmitted via oral sexual routes, and through other forms of intimate contact between anatomical sites lined by mucosa. This systematic review and meta-analyses
aimed to synthesize data for the prevalence of head and neck HPV infection in South Africa. Original research papers from South Africa reporting on the prevalence of HPV in the head and neck was systematically reviewed using PubMed, Ovid Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library. A meta-analysis on the prevalence data wasconducted for 16 papers that met the inclusion criteria.


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Author Biography

  • John-Paul Bogers, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology, University of Antwerp, Belgium.


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How to Cite

Wood, N., Motloba, P., Makwakwa, L. N. ., & Bogers, J.-P. . (2022). Oral and Oropharyngeal HPV prevalence in South Africa A systematic review and meta-analysis. South African Dental Journal, 76(10), 632-639. https://doi.org/10.17159/2519-0105/2021/v76no10a8