Association of parental factors and delayed dental care for children
There is a general perception that majority of parents delay seeking oral health care services for their children. However,the reasons for this health seeking behaviour and the related contributing factors are poorly understood. Aims To investigate the parental factors that influence delayed dental care for their children. Methodology A descriptive cross-sectional survey that was conducted at
MEDUNSA Oral Health Centre and other oral health facilities within Tshwane oral health district. Parents of children 12 year and younger participated in the study. Results The average age of 350 parents and children in the study was 36.94 (±9.40) and 6.31 (±2.38) years respectively. Most parents were female 315 (90.0%), unemployed 281 (80.3%) and reached high school education 281 (80.3%).
The association between gender, age, employment and dmft with delayed dental treatment for children was not statistically significant. Parents considered acute medical conditions as urgent compared to dental pain and conditions (OR =1.27). Regular use of home remedies and medications exacerbated delayed dental visits for children, irrespective of the problem. Conclusion
Parental attitude and perception of oral health contribute delayed dental visits by children. Majority of parents resorted
to alternative remedies such as self-medication in managing children`s oral health pain and conditions instead of seeking
oral health care for their children.
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