Comparison of capsule-mixed versus hand-mixed glass ionomer cements Part II: Porosity
Glass ionomer cement, Capsule-mix, Handmix, Micro-CT, PorosityAbstract
Glass ionomer restorative cements (GIC) are routinely used in dental practice. During mixing, air incorporation may lead to higher porosity with subsequent weakening of the cement. The degree of porosity will determine whether capsule-mixed or hand-mixed GIC are mechanically stronger for clinical use. To compare the porosity of four commercially available dental glass ionomer cements, supplied in both hand mix and capsule-mix formulations, by evaluating number of voids (%), total volume of voids (mm3 ) and volume percentage of voids (%). Eighty samples were manufactured from hand-mixed GIC: Riva Self Cure; Fuji IX GP ; Ketac Universal, Ketac Molar Easymix, and equivalent capsule-mixed GIC: Riva Self Cure; Fuji IX GP ; Ketac Universal Aplicap and Ketac Molar Aplicap. Micro-CT scanning was used to evaluate porosity. The number of voids (mm3 ), total volume of voids (mm3 ) and the volume percentage of voids (%) were calculated.
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