Probing Status Quo Bias in Dentistry


  • Leanne M Sykes Head of Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria
  • George P Babiolakis Registrar, Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria





The status quo bias in dentistry refers to a practitioner's preference for certain treatment modalities and resistance to contemplating the need for a change. Lack of updating skills and amending their work routine accordingly can result in them providing treatment that is dated or even totally obsolete. It could even be detrimental to their patient's oral health and open them up to the risk of litigation. The concept of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) was introduced to try enforce clinicians to improve their knowledge and skills, and keep abreast of current best practice recommendations. However, it should not be seen as a mere points collecting exercise that has little effect on bringing about changes in their work. Dentists need to continually review their work, and make adjustments when necessary in order to do better and be better. Only then canthey claim to be acting in their patients’ best interest and fulfilling their duty of beneficence.


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Author Biography

  • George P Babiolakis, Registrar, Department of Prosthodontics, University of Pretoria


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How to Cite

Sykes, L. M., & Babiolakis, G. P. . (2022). Probing Status Quo Bias in Dentistry. South African Dental Journal, 77(04), 238-239.

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