Prevalence of oral mucosal and periodontal disease amongst patients receiving dialysis
Chronic kidney diseaseAbstract
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) requires renal replacement therapy (RRT), namely a renal transplant or renal dialysis or both. Dialysis corrects the electrolyte imbalance and reduces circulating urea and creatinine levels. ESRD patients may present with oral complications and disease due to impaired renal functions, associated comorbidities, or the pharmacological management thereof.
To determine the prevalence of periodontal- and oral mucosal disease in ESRD patients undergoing dialysis. Recommendations will be made regarding dental treatment needs and dental management. Cross-sectional study. Fifty-three ESRD patients were evaluated for mucosal lesions and periodontal disease. Patient's age, race, gender, comorbidities, dialysis duration and medicationwere recorded. Treatment urgency was determined, and patients referred accordingly for appropriate dental treatment. Mean age of patients was 42,9 ±10,4 years with a median time on dialysis of 30 months. Majority of patients were hypertensive (94.34%). No oral mucosal lesions was found. PSR score of 3 was mostly found (36.58%). Sixty-two percent of patients had a moderate treatment urgency.
A relationship between chronic kidney disease and periodontitis exists. ESRD patients should thus be enrolled into a periodontal screening and treatment program and all dental treatmen
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