What’s new for the clinician – summaries of recently published papers (April 2023)


  • V Yengopal




mucositis, inevitably, periodontal


Dental implants are a common treatment modality that is offered to many patients. There is therefore a good chance that many oral health professionals (dentists, dental therapists, oral hygienists, dental specialists) will encounter such patients in their private or public dental clinics. Barrak and colleagues (2023)1 have highlighted the mismatch between the knowledge and skill requirement of the general dental practitioner (GDP) in managing such patients and the training provided at undergraduate (UG) and general
postgraduate (PG) levels. Studies in the UK among dental schools there and in Ireland have shown that most schools provided lecture-based information with no clinical trainingat undergraduate level on implant dentistry. This, despite the fact that most implants were in fact placed by dentists who had little training in their undergraduate training.


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. Barrak F, Caga D, Crean S. What every dental practitioner should know about how to examine patients with dental implants. British Dental Journal 2023; 234: 309-314. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-023-5574-6

Janket SJ, Lee C, Surakka M, Jangam TG, Van Dyke TE, Baird AE, Meurman JH. Oral hygiene, mouthwash usage and cardiovascular mortality during 18.8 years of follow-up. British Dental Journal. 2023 Feb 3:1-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-023-5507-4






Evidence-based Dentistry

How to Cite

Yengopal, V. (2023). What’s new for the clinician – summaries of recently published papers (April 2023). South African Dental Journal, 78(03), 156-163. https://doi.org/10.17159/sadj.v78i03.16266

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