What’s new for the clinician – summaries of recently published papers
root fracture, calcium hydroxide apexification, radio-opaqueAbstract
Damage to newly erupted anterior permanent teeth whose roots are still developing can be disastrous for young children and the aesthetic consequences thereof can have lasting effects on the wellbeing of the growing child. Also, there is the risk of fracture, discoloration due to pulp necrosis and a loss of the anterior permanent tooth at a young age which is costly to repair/replace.
Tawfeek HA, El-Bardissy AA, Abou El-Yazeed M, Youssef R, Abd Alsamad AM. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Noemata versus conventional white mineral trioxide aggregate in revascularization of non-vital immature permanent anterior teeth (A randomized controlled trial). BDJ open. 2023 Apr 28;9(1):17.
Petchphayaprai C, Chotipan C, Sa-Ngiampak P, Thotsaporn K, Ampornaramveth RS. Effectiveness of iodine for continuous decontamination of dental unit waterline. BDJ open. 2023 Jul 22;9(1):34.

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