Final-year oral hygiene and dental therapy students’ perceptions of teaching and learning at a South African university
Dental education, teaching and learning, dental students, oral hygiene, dental therapy, teaching methods, academic staff attributes, clinical supervision, clinical quotas, barriers to teaching and learningAbstract
Dental students may provide insightful course evaluation and feedback due to their direct engagement with theoretical and clinical instruction during their training. According to the literature, student feedback may enhance dental education. This study investigated students’ perceptions of teaching and learning, the various aspects of which will be discussed further.
Aims and objectives
The study aimed to determine the perceptions of the final year dental therapy and oral hygiene students regarding teaching and learning at a South African university. Topics such as teaching methods, suitable attributes of academic staff, potential barriers to learning, clinical quotas, effects of the pandemic and recommendations to enhance teaching and learning were investigated.
A cross-sectional study was conducted during the 2021 and 2022 academic years. Quantitative and qualitative data was captured via an online questionnaire. Participants were asked to rate their perceptions of teaching and learning via a five-point Likert scale and respond to open-ended questions.
Sixty-nine students participated in this study, yielding a response rate of 65.09%. The findings demonstrated students’ preference for contact teaching methods such as clinical observation (80%; n=55) and clinical demonstrations (78%; n=54) compared to online lectures (54%; n=37). Stress (78%; n=54) and insufficient feedback (88%; n=61) were identified as learning barriers. Increased clinical training
was among the suggestions to enhance learning.
Students should be encouraged to provide feedback regarding teaching and learning as this may positively influence curriculum design and development.
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