Regulatory Overreach – Intervention or Interference





There is a prevalent notion among healthcare professionals that their private lives have no bearing on their work. Yet, the public has expectations about the conduct of health professionals while at work or in public. Citizens are quick to broadcast information, and express opinions, and beliefs about the conduct of health partitioners via social media. Consequently, incidents and behaviours traditionally confined to the work environment, have been brought into the public domain, attracting interest and scrutiny.
The exposure of personal information can have serious ramifications to the individual and professional reputation. We have witnessed in recent times, the regulator having to acknowledge, process and adjudicate professional conduct emanating outside the work environment.


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Author Biography

  • P D Motloba, Head, Department of Community Dentistry, School of Oral Health Sciences, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University.


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How to Cite

Makoea, M. I., Machete, M. L., Bapela, T. M., & Motloba, P. D. (2024). Regulatory Overreach – Intervention or Interference . South African Dental Journal, 79(01), 49-52.