Occupational therapy services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on the primary healthcare platform
Early identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Early career occupational therapists, Community context, Clinical competencies, Community based occupational therapy, Critical knowledgeAbstract
Introduction: The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is complex. In a low middle income country, like South Africa, early recognition of ASD rarely occurs on the primary health care (PHC) platform.To mitigate late diagnosis of ASD, which has a poorer prognosis, the purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and clinical competencies required by inexperienced occupational therapists to improve early detection of and service delivery for children with ASD at the PHC level
Methods: A descriptive qualitative design explored the perceptions of occupational therapy experts as to the required knowledge and clinical competencies necessary for inexperienced occupational therapists to deliver services to children with ASD on the PHC platform. Thematic inductive analysis was used to analyse the data
Findings: Two themes emerged: Theme one: the perceived critical knowledge for early identification, assessment and treatment of children with ASD.Theme two: the clinical competencies required forassessment and effective treatment of children with ASD on the PHC level
Conclusion: This study identified the perceived knowledge and clinical competencies needed to improve early identification and service community-based delivery for children with ASD on the PHC platform by early career occupational therapists
■ This study provides critical knowledge and clinical competencies to occupational therapists to facilitate effective therapeutic services to children with ASD on the PHC platform.
■ The study identified appropriate screening, assessment and intervention that could assist occupational therapy service planners to reduce the gap of service delivery for children with ASD within the concept of UHC provision on a community-based level in SA.
■ Faculty at tertiary educational institutions may utilise the findings in order to adapt curriculums to better prepare inexperienced occupational therapists with working with children with ASD on the community-based level.
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