Coping Styles and Sources of Stress of Undergraduate Health Science Students: An Integrative Review




Background and aim: Tertiary education provides many personal and social benefits. However, students, particularly those from professional and health science disciplines are known to face significantly greater stress throughout their undergraduate degrees. In this integrative review sources of stress for students and the strategies they use to cope with the stress are explored.

Method: Various databases were searched using common key phrases such as "stressors among undergraduate health science students" and "coping mechanisms utilised by undergraduate health science students". Thirty-three articles were selected based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The content in the articles were analysed to identify themes.

Results: Academic stress was the primary source of stress for health science students. Other sources of stress included interpersonal interactions and clinical training. Students primarily used problem-focused strategies to cope with stress. Other strategies included avoidance and the use of social support networks.

Conclusion: Health science students experience stress from academic tasks, interpersonal stress and stresses emanating from clinical training. They utilize problem-focused coping strategies, as well as avoidance and seeking social support when faced with stressful situations. Students would benefit from regular screening for stress-related conditions, and interventions to teach them more adaptive ways to deal with stress.


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Author Biographies

  • Odell Chetty, University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Honours Level Occupational Therapy Student
  • Robyn Marcella Henderson, University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Honours Level Occupational Therapy Student
  • Thavanesi Gurayah, University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Masters in Occupational Therapy, Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Department, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus




How to Cite

Chetty, O., Henderson, R. M., & Gurayah, T. (2021). Coping Styles and Sources of Stress of Undergraduate Health Science Students: An Integrative Review. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51(2), 29-38.
  • Abstract 28
  • PDF 10