Introduction of the Hirebright Cognitive Ability Test (H-CAT) as pre-employment measure in South Africa: Content and Convergent Validity
Introduction: Occupational therapists perform assessment of cognitive abilities, including executive functions, in adults in a
variety of practice fields. In vocational rehabilitation, these assessments are performed to determine how impairment in
cognitive ability impacts on occupational performance. Executive function is understood to be cognitive processes associated with inhibitory control, working memory, cognitive flexibility, planning, reasoning and problem solving. The Hirebright Cognitive Ability Test (H-CAT), a general cognitive ability measuring instrument developed for pre-employment screening,
has not been validated for clinical use in South Africa.
Methodology: The aim of this study was two-fold: first, to evaluate the content validity of the H-CAT through content expert
rating and item-objective congruency (IOC). Secondly, the researchers evaluated the convergent validity of the H-CAT through
correlating scores of the H-CAT with an existing measure, the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), using retrospective
data fro the Hirebright database.
Results: Item-objective congruency calculation yielded results indicating acceptable content validity (IOC values from 0.60 to
0.80) in the majority of the items (43/45) in the H-CAT. In a sample of N=20, correlation of the Raven SPM raw scores and the H-
CAT raw scores yielded evidence (r = 0.89; p = 0.00) for convergent validity.
Key words: general cognitive ability, executive function, content validity, convergent validity
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