Screening the Ability to Drive by Occupational Therapists in Gauteng Public Healthcare - an Action Learning Action Research Outcome.






Introduction: In South Africa, public healthcare users equate the ability to drive a motor vehicle to employability and access to essential services. When injury or illness threatens the ability to drive, the multi-professional medical team usually refer the problem to the occupational therapist who will make decisions about patients' fitness to drive a motor vehicle.
Method: Over the course of five years, a collaborative task team applied multiple Action Learning Action Research (ALAR) cycles to address the problem. Qualitative data collected included field notes, reflective journaling, meeting minutes and a survey.
Results: ALAR cycles resulted in a user manual and tool to screen driver fitness for occupational therapists. A follow-up survey indicated that despite a low user ratio, clinicians were of the opinion that the screening tool was user-friendly and contextually relevant to their practices.
Conclusion: ALAR was effective in addressing a practice problem and empowering clinicians to develop a structured approach to
screen fitness to drive in patients accessing public healthcare. Screening, as a first step within the field of driving rehabilitation, is now
available in Gauteng public healthcare.

Key words: Driving rehabilitation, driving screening, public healthcare, action research action learning



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Author Biographies

  • Hester Maria van Biljon, Work-Link Vocational Rehabilitation Practice University of the Witwatersrand University of Stellenbosch
    Qualfications: PhD (Wits) Netcare Rehabiliation Hospital, Aucklandpark - self employed
  • Daleen Casteleijn, University of the Witwaterrand

    B Occ Ther (Pret), B Occ Ther (Hons)(Medunsa),  Dip Voc Rehab (Pret), DHETP (Pret), M Occ Ther (Pret), PhD (Pret)

    Associate Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Occupational Therapy Department


    7 York Road

    Parktown, Johannesburg

    Tel: 011 7173701


  • Sanetta H.J. du Toit, University of the Free State University of Sydney

    B Occ Ther (UFS), M Occ Ther (UFS), M.Sc. Occ Ther (University of Exeter, UK), PhD (UFS)

    Affiliated lecturer, University of the Free State, Department of Occupational Therapy

    Lecturer, University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences, Discipline of Occupational Therapy


    75 East Street

    Lidcombe, NSW, 2141, Australia                              
    Tel: +61 2 9351 9203  
  • Simon Rabothata, Gauteng Health Department

    B Occ Ther UL (Medunsa), Post Grad Dip Voc Rehab UP

    Assistant Director, Therapeutic & Medical Support Services


    Gauteng Health Department, 37 Sauer Street, Johannesburg 2000

    Telephone 011 355 3790 Facsimile 011 355 3280





How to Cite

van Biljon, H. M., Casteleijn, D., du Toit, S. H., & Rabothata, S. (2019). Screening the Ability to Drive by Occupational Therapists in Gauteng Public Healthcare - an Action Learning Action Research Outcome. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49(1), 4-11.
  • Abstract 23
  • PDF 11