Convergent validity of the Richmond Reversal Rating in relation to visual-spatial perception as measured by the SASP





Introduction: This study examined the convergent validity of the visual perceptual Richmond Reversal Rating (RRR) assessment, in relation to visual-spatial abilities of young school-aged children, using known-groups validity and convergent validity hypotheses testing.

Methods:Seventy-two primary school children (Years 1-3) were assessed with the RRR assessment and the Spatial Awareness Skills Program Test (SASP).

Results: The Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrated a significant difference between the RRR overall scores and the SAPS grouped scores, H(2) = 6.155, p = .046. Spearman's correlation coefficient revealed a low positive yet significant correlation (rs = .433, p = .000) between the RRR overall scores and the SASP percentile scores, and a significant moderate positive correlation between the RRR overall scores and the SASP scores (rs = .666, p = .000). The results provide evidential support for the convergent validity of the RRR assessment in relation to visual-spatial abilities as measured by the SASP.

Keywords: letter reversals, number reversals, visual-spatial abilities, school based occupational therapy



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Author Biographies

  • Lucinda Venter, Edith Cowan University

    Ms Lucinda Venter (BSc OT Hons) is a qualified occupational therapist. She has a special interest in working with children and assisting them to reach their potential. She conducted research during her honours degree in occupational therapy at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. Lucinda achieved a first class honours mark for her research, best poster award for the School of Exercise and Health Sciences and was awarded the Bachelor of Science (Occupational therapy) (honours) Dux prize at the end of 2014.

  • Janet Richmond, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
    Qulifications: PhD Position: Senior Lecturer, Dept of Occupational Therapy, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowean University
  • Myra Taylor, Edith Cowan University

    Dr Myra Taylor (PhD, MPhil, MSoc Sc, BGE) is a highly experienced Research Fellow working in Edith Cowan University’s School of Medical and Health Sciences. Prior to entering academic she worked extensively in her role as a primary school teacher with under-performing children on three continents. Since, entering academia her research focus has been on the underpinnings of family dysfunction, family, violence, pathways into crime, youth subcultures and the effect that adolescent offending has on society. This research is prefaced on her expertise in the area of childhood and adolescent learning, emotional and behavioural disorders. Myra is a widely published author and editor in these and related fields.




How to Cite

Venter, L., Richmond, J., & Taylor, M. (2018). Convergent validity of the Richmond Reversal Rating in relation to visual-spatial perception as measured by the SASP. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 48(3), 24-30.
  • Abstract 22
  • PDF 8