Psychometric evaluation of the Quick Screening Procedure for Referral to Occupational Therapy (QSPOT) for five year olds with and without barriers to learning
Introduction: Adjustments made to the Quick Screening Procedure for Referral to Occupational Therapy (QSPOT) required further validation of the test. This assessment, which was developed in South Africa, is used to screen motor, praxis and sensory-perceptual performance skills related to intrinsic barriers to learning in 4 to 6 year old children.
Method: The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of the QSPOT in identifying intrinsic barriers to learning in 5 year olds, as well as the concurrent criterion validity of the QSPOT compared to the Movement ABC - 2nd Edition (MABC-2), and the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration - 6th Edition (DTVMI-6) (VMI and Visual Perception subtests). Eighty-three learners in mainstream schools and Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) schools were assessed with all three tests.
Results/Findings: Acceptable specificity was found for the QSPOT; however, sensitivity was unacceptably low. Adequate concurrent criterion validity was found between the QSPOT Total Score and the MABC-2 Total Score, as well as between the QSPOT and the DTVMI-VMI for Age-band 1 (5 years 0 months to 5 years 5 months), but not for Age-band 2 (5 years 6 months to 5 years 11 months).
Conclusion: The QSPOT accurately identifies learners without barriers to learning, but may under-identify those with barriers to learning. Strong concurrent criterion validity of the QSPOT to the DTVMI-VMI and MABC-2 indicate that motor, praxis and sensory-perceptual performance skills deficits were all identified within Age-band 1.
Key words: Intrinsic barriers to learning, motor and praxis performance skills, sensory-perceptual performance skills, screening, screening procedures, sensitivity, specificity, concurrent criterion validity
Copyright (c) 2018 South African Journal of Occupational Therapy

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